Friday, January 1, 2016

When’s The Last Time You Drained Your Lymph Fluids?

When Was The Last Time You Drained Your Lymph Fluids 54 Image – Wikimedia lic. under CC 3.0
The lymphatic system plays a very important role in the human body’s fight against disease. It’s largely made up of a network of thin tubes (filled with clear lymphatic fluid) and lymph nodes. The thymus, spleen and bone marrow also all play vital parts in the function of the lymphatic system.
The lymph nodes house the lymphatic fluid which contains lymphocytes and other white blood cells, vital components of our blood that fight infection and cancer.
If our lymph fluids get backed up in the nodes or if there are problems with our lymph ducts, it can cause the nodes to swell and become inflamed, on top of compromising the body’s immune system. [1]
White blood cells are the primary reason why the lymphatic system is so important. If your blood is drawn during a medical checkup, WBC levels are one of the things your doctor will look at in determining if you have an infection. When pathogens invade the body, white blood cells exit the lymph nodes and enter the bloodstream to fight the infection – this is characterized typically by two things: a fever and a high WBC count. Low WBC counts in the presence of a fever can signify a problem with your immunity. [2]
Unlike the cardiovascular system however, the lymphatic system is not a closed system – and in humans it does not have a pump. This means that the movement of the lymph fluid relies on the physical movement of the body in order to circulate and prevent the nodes and ducts from becoming blocked with dead white blood cells. Without adequate movement of the fluid, lymph nodes can become infected and disturb the normal homeostasis in the body’s immune and vascular systems. In the brain, a lack of lymph drainage can damage memory and contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. The same thing happens when the lymph nodes near our major organ systems don’t flow and drain effectively – it can cause widespread organ dysfunction. [3]
Certain kinds of movement and exercise are regarded as beneficial to the lymphatic system as they assist the movement and drainage of the lymph.
Natural Drainage Of Lymph: 3 Methods
#1: Massage
This method is one of the most popular ways to manually drain your lymph nodes, particularly in areas like the breast and armpit. When massaging the breast, gently make circular motions that lead away from the areola and towards the armpit, then downwards. This promotes drainage of the lymph fluid away from the nodes of the breast and axilla to the body’s vasculature. You can also apply this technique to other lymph nodes of the body. [4]
#2: Exercise
Another way to effectively get all your lymph nodes properly drained is to exercise! Moderate exercise that helps improve vascular circulation also promotes adequate drainage of lymph fluid, about two to three times better than not doing any exercise at all. This is because lymph flow in and out of the nodes is increased during exercise. You can try jogging, walking, cycling, or other similar exercises for at least 30 minutes, three times a week to promote proper drainage of your lymph nodes. [5]
#3: Rebound Therapy
This last method is technically a form of exercise but warrants its own special focus as a unique and valuable drainage method. Rebound therapy is slowly gaining recognition for a variety of health benefits that range from physical to emotional. Have you ever wondered why kids instinctively want to bounce – on anything from a bouncy castle to your newly made double bed? There might be something to it…
Through the gentle bouncing or rebounding on a trampoline (or similar surface), circulation and lymph drainage is improved, aside from promoting an increased state of wellbeing. The science behind is lies with the lymph ducts’ valves. Bouncing can be likened to a more intense form of walking. When pressure is placed on the lower extremities (when you prepare for a bounce or take a step), the valves in the lymph ducts close and open when the pressure is released. When you bounce, the valves close and open more fully than walking or jogging, promoting better lymph fluid evacuation. [6][7]
Many people who are into this exercise obtain a special rebounding trampoline – a portable 36″ (or similar size) mini-trampoline that allows them to get in their bounce time. It’s a great form of exercise and lots of fun – put on your favorite music and bounce to it, what could be more awesome than that? Here’s an example of a rebounding trampoline on Amazon that got great reviews if you want to learn more: Stamina 36 inch Folding Trampoline


5 Top Tips For Stroke Prevention

Stroke-Facts 624
Infographic – ©
Stroke, or a cerebrovascular (CVA) attack in medical terms, is a condition wherein the brain doesn’t get enough blood supply to one or multiple areas of the brain. Without blood to supply that area, the brain doesn’t get the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function. Without blood supply, cells in the brain begin to die within minutes, leading to long-term or permanent disability, brain damage, and potentially, death.
Risk Factors for Stroke:
A diet high in bad fats, lack of exercise, a highly stressful lifestyle, and smoking puts you at risk for developing a stroke. [1] People who have diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease also puts you at grave risk for suffering stroke.

5 Top Tips For Preventing Stroke:

1. Reduce alcohol intake. A recent study also put people who drink more than three alcoholic beverages a week at risk for stroke. [2]
2. Keep your blood pressure in check. Keeping your blood pressure in balance might be one of the most important preventive measures for stroke. [3] Regularly check your blood pressure and keep it within the ranges of 120/80 and 100/70. Controlling an existing hypertension condition by regularly taking the medication prescribed to you by your doctor is extremely important as well. Maintenance medication for blood pressure should be taken strictly as prescribed even if you’re not feeling the effects of hypertension.
3. Get in shape. Obesity was identified as an independent factor contributory to developing a stroke. [4] This means that you can get a stroke just by being obese. Enrolling in a regular exercise program and controlling your weight is crucial in avoiding stroke.
4. Eat Healthy. Avoid excess intake of salt and completely eliminate processed and fast food from your diet. Unsurprisingly, a heart-healthy diet is also the kind to adopt for preventing stroke. [5] High fiber foods such as oats, barley, and cornmeal will help clean your blood vessels right up. Nuts, berries, beans, low-fat soy milk, and fatty fish high in omega-3 will also help you prevent stroke by lowering the levels of cholesterol in your blood. [6]
5. Stop smoking. Smoking, and even second hand smoke, can cause damage to the blood vessels in your brain and raise the levels of bad fat in your circulation, putting you in danger of an ischemic stroke. [7] Establishing a no smoking policy at work and at home can help you and the people around you avoid stroke.

Detecting A Stroke – Act F.A.S.T!

Someone who has previously suffered a stroke can very well suffer another one. Someone who suddenly experiences a disturbance in breathing or swallowing, as well as someone who feels a sudden, stabbing chest pain, with or without a history of stroke, should seek emergency medical attention right away. When in doubt, use the F.A.S.T. test to determine if the person is suffering a stroke.
Facial response: Establish a straight, face-to-face direction with the person and ask them to smile. If one side droops, or is unnaturally disproportionate, the person may be suffering a stroke.
Arm raise: Ask the person to stand up straight and raise both arms. If the person can’t raise both arms, or one of the arms drift downward, the person may be suffering a cerebrovascular attack and should be taken to the hospital right away.
Speech disruption: A person suffering a stroke suddenly develops a slur or a stutter, or otherwise speaks unnaturally. Ask them to repeat any simple phrase, or tell them to state the date and time. This is related to the next test.
Time: A person suffering a stroke may suddenly become confused or disoriented. Time is of the essence when managing a stroke, and medical attention should be sought immediately upon manifestation of any of these signs.


72 Amazing Uses For 6 Natural Products

70+ Amazing Uses For 6 Natural Products  
Please share / pin / download this awesome free chart of 70+ Amazing Uses For Natural Products! Learning to use these common ingredients can benefit you tremendously in several ways. First, you can keep them in the home and thus avoid having potentially more dangerous, toxic chemical products in the house (which is a great switch if you have kids!)
Next, you will probably save money – especially if you bulk-buy! For example, after squeezing a lemon, you probably throw it away…. try using it as a scrubber for stainless steel sink or shower faucets! The acidity in the lemon juice helps to counteract stains.
Many of the uses listed in the chart were common knowledge 100 years ago and before, and some of these natural products have been used in these ways since ancient times.
We’ve lots more info and ideas on these natural household items, check out some of these links if you want to learn more:
30 Amazing Uses For Baking Soda
Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
How To Make Your Own Natural Toothpaste
101 Amazing Uses For Coconut Oil
How To Get Rid Of Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar
Top 10 Home Remedies For Wrinkles
Top 20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Lemon Juice (some great ones here!)
Scientific Study Finds Coconut Oil Decreases Obesity
Shout out to Mind Body Green for the original idea behind this post.
