Sunday, December 4, 2016

Bic Pens Have A Hidden Feature That Barely Anyone Knows About… Did You Know THIS?

At some point in your life, you’ve probably used a Bic pen… they’re everywhere! Schools, businesses, and individuals buy these pens in bulk because they’re reliable and affordable. But who knew that these humble pens have a built-in feature that could potentially save lives? Yep, apparently Bic was smart enough to really observe how people used their pens. Obviously, people write with pens but they also sometimes develop a habit of chewing on them. Children especially love to do this and it becomes a serious hazard because they sometimes accidentally inhale the pen caps and choke on them. So what did Bic do? They put holes in their pen caps!

This simple yet brilliant design means air can still pass through the caps should someone accidentally swallow a pen cap. The design was so successful that many other pen companies copied the design. Of course, in a choking situation, you’ll want to know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Below is a video from the British Red Cross on how to perform this life-saving technique… make sure you know it because it isn’t necessarily like you see it in the movies!

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Vitamin D Deficiency

If you shun the sun, suffer from milk allergies, or adhere to a strict vegan diet, you may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. It is also occurs naturally in a few foods -- including some fish, fish liver oils, and egg yolks -- and in fortified dairy and grain products.
Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. Traditionally, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesn't properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities. But increasingly, research is revealing the importance of vitamin D in protecting against a host of health problems.

Symptoms and Health Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms of bone pain and muscle weakness can mean you have a vitamin D deficiency. However, for many people, the symptoms are subtle. Yet, even without symptoms, too little vitamin D can pose health risks. Low blood levels of the vitamin have been associated with the following:
Research suggests that vitamin D could play a role in the prevention and treatment of a number of different conditions, including type1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can occur for a number of reasons:
You don't consume the recommended levels of the vitamin over time. This is likely if you follow a strict vegan diet, because most of the natural sources are animal-based, including fish and fish oils, egg yolks, fortified milk, and beef liver.
Your exposure to sunlight is limited. Because the body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight, you may be at risk of deficiency if you are homebound, live in northern latitudes, wear long robes or head coverings for religious reasons, or have an occupation that prevents sun exposure.
You have dark skin. The pigment melanin reduces the skin's ability to make vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure. Some studies show that older adults with darker skin are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Your kidneys cannot convert vitamin D to its active form. As people age, their kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form, thus increasing their risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Your digestive tract cannot adequately absorb vitamin D. Certain medical problems, including Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, and celiac disease, can affect your intestine's ability to absorb vitamin D from the food you eat.
You are obese. Vitamin D is extracted from the blood by fat cells, altering its release into the circulation. People with a body mass index of 30 or greater often have low blood levels of vitamin D.


Tests for Vitamin D Deficiency

The most accurate way to measure how much vitamin D is in your body is the 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test. A level of 20 nanograms/milliliter to 50 ng/mL is considered adequate for healthy people. A level less than 12 ng/mL indicates vitamin D deficiency.

Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency

Treatment for vitamin D deficiency involves getting more vitamin D -- through diet and supplements. Although there is no consensus on vitamin D levels required for optimal health -- and it likely differs depending on age and health conditions -- a concentration of less than 20 nanograms per milliliter is generally considered inadequate, requiring treatment.
Guidelines from the Institute of Medicine increased the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin D to 600 international units (IU) for everyone ages 1-70, and raised it to 800 IU for adults older than age 70 to optimize bone health. The safe upper limit was also raised to 4,000 IU. Doctors may prescribe more than 4,000 IU to correct a vitamin D deficiency.
If you don't spend much time in the sun or always are careful to cover your skin (sunscreen inhibits vitamin D production), you should speak to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement, particularly if you have risk factors for vitamin D deficiency.

Friday, October 7, 2016

18 Cheap Stain Removers You Can Make At Home

Who hasn’t been there? You’re hosting a party and a careless guest sloshes some red wine on your light-colored carpet.

You’re ready for this little emergency, and quickly empty a carton of salt on the spill. But when you pick up the clumps of salt, the stain is still there.

What’s next? Many would head to the store for a better and more expensive remedy. But the items you need to properly remove that stain are already right there, in your home.

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For example, several online sources rave about this method: Mix ammonia with water — the recipes vary, including 2 tablespoons of ammonia to 1 cup of water, or equal parts of each — and apply it to the stain. You can do this with a spray bottle, or wet a white towel with the mixture.
Next, lay the towel over the stain and iron it with a hot iron. Repeat until the stain is gone.
Many homemade stain removal methods are even simpler. Click the links below for more details.

Stains on clothes

  • A mix of equal parts of ammonia, liquid dish detergent and water in a spray bottle is touted as an effective stain remover for clothes. Spray it on and wash later, after it dries.
  • The Krazy Coupon Lady recommends lightly scrubbing a stain or stubborn dirt with dish detergent, then soaking the clothes overnight in a bucket of water and 1/4 cup of baking soda.
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) is the star of this recipe that removes stains from clothing and other fabrics. Mix together one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts Dawn dish detergent. A spray bottle is the preferred method of application.
  • Robin Shreeves used a combination of lemon juice and salt to treat a stain that had set on a favorite white blouse, then reapplied lemon juice and hung it in the sun.
  • This recipe at eHow describes a lemon juice application that will work on a rainy day.
  • This How Stuff Works article about the power of lemon as a stain remover says a mixture of lemon juice and water will also remove those dreaded armpit stains. Just be sure you wash the clothes quickly after applying.
  • Two crushed aspirin tablets dissolved in a cup of hot water is also good for perspiration stains, Mrs. Clean says.
  • WD-40 lubricant can remove grease, oil, crayon and lipstick from clothes. Who knew? In fact, there are scores of ways in which WD-40 can be a life-saver.
  • Reader’s Digest says a 30-minute soak in milk will remove ink.
  • Unflavored meat tenderizer is a good stain remover for protein-based stains like blood. Make a paste with a little water.

Other stains

  • I keep a spray bottle of half white vinegar and half water for many cleaning tasks, including removing hard water stains.
  • IDiva says body lotion can remove crayon and other tough marks from walls.
  • Another iDiva tip: A common eraser can remove pen marks from a leather purse.
  • Half a lemon dipped in salt will eliminate stains from the copper bottoms of pots and pans. Rub lightly. That combination of lemon juice and salt is also said to remove rust stains from a variety of surfaces.
  • Paul Michael of Wise Bread vouches for this method of removing a water ring from the dining room table: Mix mayonnaise with some cigarette ash and leave it on the stain overnight.
  • Baking soda — rubbed dry into stains or mixed with water to make a paste — works on many types of stains.
  • What if it’s a mystery stain? Reader’s Digest says, “Mix a teaspoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with a little cream of tartar or a dab of non-gel toothpaste.”
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Some important advice

Mrs. Clean offers some essential advice whenever you’re trying out a new stain removal recipe on a surface you haven’t used it on before.
For starters, test it in a hidden spot. In fact, according to a very informative article by ABC 7 News in Chicago: “Many types of fabrics are not suited for home stain removal techniques, including rayon, silk, satin or velvet.”
Act as soon as you can to remove a stain before it sets. Quickly blot the stain with an absorbent material. Do not rub.
Have you tried any of these substitutes, or have ideas of your own? Share the wealth on our Facebook page.


Do Your Nails Look Like This?

Oftentimes when we think back to the onset of a medical condition, we can recall random changes to specific body parts that were acting as a signal that something was wrong. It’s no coincidence that symptoms of a condition show up first in the most obvious of places, like our skin, hair, and nails.
Finger nails are usually one of the first body parts to display abnormalities caused by serious nutritional deficiencies. Thanks to their location, doctors can quickly check them to confirm any suspicions.
Although we should always consult with a physician when attempting to tackle a health issue, we’re going to list some nail conditions that can point you and your doctor in the right direction.

1. White Horizontal Lines on Nails

White lines running across the nails are known as “Muehrcke’s lines” and are most visible on the index, middle, and ring fingers. These lines are usually a sign of low levels of protein in the blood, which can indicate liver disease or malnutrition caused by stress.

2. Dark Vertical Lines on Nails

Although mostly harmless, in rare instances, it could be a sign of subungual melanoma, a very serious form of cancer of the toes or fingers. Usually, only one nail will be affected, and lines may also significantly change color.

3. Clubbed Nails

This type of nail usually curves and wraps over the finger tip. It could be genetic, so if your nails have always had that appearance, chances are it’s harmless. However, if you notice your nails suddenly soften and begin to change in size, it could mean you don’t have enough oxygen levels in your blood. Clubbed nails can also be linked to liver, heart, lung, or inflammatory bowel disease.

4. Pitting or Dents on Nails

You may see small pits or dents in the nails that are sometimes genetic. So no need to worry if other family members also have the same appearance in their nails. But if it’s due to a medical condition, it could indicate reactive arthritis, or psoriasis. Other possible issues may be eczema or alopecia areata.

5. Crumbly Nails

Brittle, dry nails that split, crack or crumble are usually caused by a fungal infection but can sometimes indicate a thyroid condition. It could also be the result of a skin condition called lichen planus, an itchy rash that occurs on the skin or mouth.

6. Thick Nails

Thickened nails may be another sign of a fungal infection, but most often are caused by reactive arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, or after a long-lasting injury to the nail. Diabetes may also be at the root of the problem, due to sluggish blood flow to the fingers and toes.

7. Red or Brown Streaks Under the Nails

When thin red or brown streaks appear underneath the nails, it’s usually a sign of damage to the very small blood vessels. Sometimes, it could be caused by inflammation or swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis.

8. Discolored Nails

The color of your nails can indicate different conditions. Yellowed nails are caused by using nail polish for an extended period of time, but may also be due to a fungal infection or psoriasis. Nails with a brown hue could mean you have a thyroid condition or malnutrition, and a bluish-gray hue may signal that your body isn’t getting enough oxygen.

If you notice any of these conditions, make sure to mention it to your medical practitioner at your next appointment. In the event that it’s a sign of something more serious, you’ll be glad you did!


Saturday, September 3, 2016

What are the risks of vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency — when the level of vitamin D in your body is too low — can cause your bones to become thin, brittle or misshapen.
Vitamin D also appears to play a role in insulin resistance, high blood pressure and immune function — and how this relates to heart disease and cancer — but this is still being investigated.
Although the amount of vitamin D adults get from their diets is often less than what's recommended, exposure to sunlight can make up for the difference. For most adults, vitamin D deficiency is not a concern. However, some groups — particularly people who are obese, who have dark skin and who are older than age 65 — may have lower levels of vitamin D due to their diets, little sun exposure or other factors.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults is 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day. That goes up to 800 IU a day for those older than age 70. To meet this level, choose foods that are rich in vitamin D. For example, choose fortified foods, such as milk and yogurt, and fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, tuna and halibut.
Don't overdo it, though. Very high levels of vitamin D have not been shown to provide greater benefits. In fact, too much vitamin D has been linked to other health problems.
If you're concerned about whether you're getting enough vitamin D, talk to your doctor about your diet and whether a vitamin supplement might benefit you.
Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cellulite Home Remedies That Work Like A Charm

Approximately 85% of women experience a Cellulite problem and it’s accumulated most commonly in the thighs. We’ve put together a collection of Home Remedies for you to try to to reduce Cellulite.
Be sure to check out the Dry Brushing Remedy, the Cayenne Pepper Lemon & Ginger Drink, Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Drink or the Coffee Grounds Exfoliating Scrubs. 

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Cayenne Pepper Ginger Lemon Drink Cellulite Remedy
Top 100 Remedies has made a great infographic showing you how Cayenne Pepper has the ability to help burn fat, reduce toxins and the appearance of cellulite, increase blood circulation and boost metabolism. Plus, it helps get rid of bad skin cells and replace them with healthy cells. Here’s the recipe-:
1 -2 Teaspoons of Cayenne Pepper
 1 Teaspoon Grated Ginger
Juice of 1 Lemon
Add the Cayenne Pepper to a glass of warm water. Add the grated ginger. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the mixture. Mix and drink it once or twice daily for 1-2 months.
We have found an excellent video that gives some excellent ideas on how to beat Cellulite. You will need to make daily and dietary changes and it also has some excellent Lymph massage techniques that you can do using a rolling Pin! Click play above to view now ^^^

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Cellulite Remedies
Here’s  9 Cellulite Home Remedies that include Tomato Paste. This can help prevent the breakdown in Collagen that leads to Cellulite. Staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy and sensible diet is also highly recommended if you want to avoid the dreaded orange peel!
Cellulite Home RemediesThe main causes of Cellulite are unhealthy lifestyle, hormones and genes. Women are affected due to hormones Progesterone and Estrogen which contributes to weakened veins and fluid retention. This Infographic shows some great remedies including Green Tea, Dry Brushing and eating Salmon among others.

Chi VitalizerWe have found this Chi Vitalizer is fantastic for stirring up your body, getting the blood pumping and it claims to be the equivalent of 10,000 steps in only 15 minutes – read more >>  Chi Vitaliser – Purchase
How to get rid of Cellulite using Ground Coffee Scrub
You can greatly reduce cellulite in a short period using a coffee scrub. This version uses half a cup of ground coffee, 1 tablespoon of white sugar, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of glycerine and 2 teaspoons of Vitamin E Oil – according to the Blogger she has experienced good results with this scrub – It involves scrubbing the affected area for 5 minutes, wrapping in plastic for 10 and then removing and washing off – As a stimulant coffee helps to increase blood circulation and reduce water retention. Both of these benefits help to smooth out the skin in areas affected by Cellulite. Be sure to give this Coffee Scrub a try and we’d love to hear about your results –  source
Guide To Dry Brushing
Smart Living has put together this great graphic that shows you how to Dry Brush and the benefits that includes improved lymph flow. Be sure to check out the Infographic from Dr Axe below too.How To Dry Brush For Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite Eraser
According to ‘Juicing For Life’ this Grapefruit Cellulite Juice Recipe blasts cellulite and flushes toxins! Here’s how it works -:
  • Helps improve blood circulation
  • Burns excess fats effectively
  • Detoxifies and removes toxins from the body, thus reducing more fats forming
  • Helps metabolize sugar in the blood
  • Helps produce collagen to firm up the skin
  • Reduces fluid retention which also contributes to formation of cellulite
Homemade Cellulite Cream Recipe
If you leave Cellulite untreated, it will worsen over time. This homemade Cellulite Cream is quick and easy to make and you’ll be delighted by the results. This Homemade Cellulite recipe from ‘Beauty Tips 4 her’ comes highly recommended from the Blogger.
  • 3/4 cup Coconut Oil
  • 2 tablespoons shaved Beeswax
  • 3 tablespoons Witch Hazel
  • 10 drops Juniper oil
  • 10 drops Rosemary oil
  • 30 drops Grapefruit oil
  • 30 drops Cypress oil
Step 1 – Start by making the base. This includes all of those essential oils listed, as well as the witch hazel. Stir it nice and good so everything combines.
Step 2 – Melt your beeswax over very low heat. Once melted, add in your coconut oil.
Step 3 – Now that everything is liquified, mix everything together. Pour it into a resealable container or mason jar and give it time to cool and solidify.
You can see why the Blogger says it works on her site
Cellulite Home Remedy Recipe

Anti Cellulite Home Remedy Recipe found on  Pinterest 

Coffee Sugar Scrub Cubes Ideal for Cellulite Reduction
Here’s another great way to use Coffee. We love these Coffee Sugar Scrub Cubes from ‘Princess and a Pumpkin’ and they will exfoliate your skin beautifully.
Get Rid of Cellulite With Cinnamon

Natural Home Remedies for Varicose Veins 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How To Make Turmeric Pain Relief Tea

Turmeric is one of the world’s most revered spices. Its praises are sung from the rooftops by herbalists. Entire books have been writhed extolling its magnificent virtues. Revered in the orient for centuries if not millennia, it has even been called “the world’s most healing spice” and hundreds of scientific papers and other reports have been published attesting to its healing benefits for all manner of conditions including cancer, ulcers, arthritis, alzheimers, cystic fibrosis, hemorrhoids, arteriosclerosis, inflammation and liver diseases.
As you might expect, we have some pages focusing on turmeric and here are some of them: – our full page including herbal uses, history, claimed health benefits and scientific reports.
600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb
Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs
What’s the best way to use turmeric? Essentially, the way that is typically suggested is to simply incorporate it into the diet – using up to 4 grams per day. The taste is strange and unique – difficult to describe. It is not particularly fiery in the manner of for example cayenne or ginger, and personally I really like it, though it may take some getting used to. The best possible way to eat it – as with so many things – is fresh, raw, organic. I do this and simply chop or grate some very small pieces and sprinkle them on top of salads; or (my favorite) on top of my morning eggs on toast – along with organic avocadoheirloom tomato, olives and raw pumpkin seeds… 🙂
Fresh organic turmeric may prove to be a challenge to find (though worth the effort) and so you could resort to the powdered version (typically found in with all the other spices at the supermarket). It is also possible to obtain turmeric in capsule form, so that you can get it down you in a regulated manner without worrying about the bizarre taste or the fact that the amount of powder for optimum health benefits may be more than that which you might sprinkle on to your recipe otherwise.
Another thing to note about turmeric (powder or whole fresh) – it will stain plates, fingertips and work surfaces a bright saffron-yellow color! This will generally come out after a few washes but it’s not a good look to give guests stained plates – and so you may wish to designate specific kitchen utensils / tableware for your turmeric experiments. 😉 I would also counsel against chopping turmeric directly on a marble countertop!
Ok here’s the link to the full turmeric tea tutorial

10 Uses For Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil is one of the world’s most popular essential oils. It is made from the leaves of the “Tea tree” – Melaleuca alternifolia – which is native to Australia. (Note that the Tea Tree has nothing to do with the drink tea, which is made from the leaves of a completely different plant, Camellia sinensis).
Tea tree oil has been in use since ancient times by the indigenous Australians, who inhaled vapor from the crushed leaves to help with coughs and colds, and used the leaves as antiseptic for wounds or skin conditions. It was not until the 1970s that large scale production of tea tree essential oil began and its scientific investigation is somewhat recent.
In modern times, tea tree oil is one of those “indispensable” essential oils that has a whole host of uses. It has even been called “a medicine cabinet in a bottle” owing to its reported antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic qualities.
Tea Tree should in general not be used undiluted on skin – and should never be consumed! It is often used in combination with lavender essential oil, which has some complimentary qualities, and diluted with a base oil. More safety notes at the foot of the article.

Tea Tree Oil Top 10 Uses

Recent studies support a role for the topical application of tea tree oil in skin care and for the treatment of numerous diseases and conditions:
1. Antiviral. This is in line with the use by indigenous peoples against colds / coughs: A few drops added to a bath or steam may possibly assist against colds and flu. Some support from science: Tea tree has shown some activity against influenza in the lab:
2. Herpes / Cold Sores. A mix of one tablespoon of coconut oil, with 5 drops of tea tree mixed in, can be applied (using a Q-tip or cotton swab) carefully to a cold sore several times per day. If this is commenced at the earliest sign of cold sore (tingling sensation) it may be able to stop it in its tracks. Be careful never to ingest tea tree oil, it is toxic when taken internally. There has been some support from science suggesting that Tea Tree oil may have an action against the Herpes simplex virus when applied topically as soon after the onset of the cold sore as possible:
3. Head lice. A 2008 study of in vitro toxicity showed a tea tree oil preparation (“Tea Tree Gel”) was more effective against head lice than permethrin, a popular pharmaceutical insecticide remedy. This study is especially significant as permethrin is known to be toxic and is now classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a likely human carcinogen:
4. Acne Tea tree oil, in a topical 5% gel application, is possibly as effective against acne as 5% benzoyl peroxide – although results took a little longer. Patients who use tea tree oil have been also found to experience fewer side effects than those that use benzoyl peroxide treatments:
5. Athletes Foot. Tea tree oil can be blended with coconut oil (4 parts coconut oil, 1 part tea tree) and applied to the affected area twice a day to clear athlete’s foot. It is also possible to add 10 drops of tea tree oil to a foot bath (together with a small cup of sea salt or epsom salt). And don’t forget to change those socks at least once per day!
6. Dandruff. Shampoo which contains 5% tea tree oil has demonstrated effective against dandruff due to its ability to treat Malassezia furfur, a type of fungus which is the most common cause of the condition. Tea tree oil is a known antifungal agent, effective in vitro against multiple dermatophytes found on the skin.
7. Toenail Fungus. A drop of pure tea tree applied (i.e. via Q-tip) to an infected toenail twice per day has been suggested as a toenail fungus remedy. One clinical study found that 100% tea tree oil administered topically was comparable to clotrimazole in effectiveness against onychomycosis, the most frequent cause of nail disease. It was not as effective at lower concentrations.
8. Bedbugs and mites. One study has shown a 5% tea tree oil solution to be more effective than commercial medications against the scabies mite in an in vitro situation. ( ) Other “promising” essential oils against scabies include turmeric and neem ( ) 2 teaspoons can also be added to laundry, using a very hot water setting, to kill mites, bedbugs. A few drops of oil can also be added to a spray bottle and used as an ant deterrent – used to clean cupboards and places where ants enter the home.
9. Disinfectant. Tea tree can be diluted and use as a disinfectant for toilet seats, door handles, faucets, light switches (with care!), and so on. Laundry soap containing tea tree oil may be effective at decontaminating clothing and bedding, especially if hot water and heavy soil cycles are used. Some studies have indicated that tea tree may be more effective than chemical disinfectants against serious bugs such as MRSA. Other essential oils showing “promising efficacy” include lemongrass,eucalyptus ( ), thymeclove and cinnamon ( ).
10. Aquarium Fish Care. Diluted solutions of tea tree oil are often applied as a remedy to common bacterial and fungal infections in aquarium fish such as bettas. The tea tree acts as a disinfectant and is most commonly used to promote fin and tissue regrowth, but is also considered effectiveagainst conditions such as fin rot or “velvet”. Tea tree based remedies are used mostly on betta fish, but can also be used with other aquarium fish, other than goldfish.
But wait, there’s more: Tea tree has also been reported useful against toothache, candida ( ), for use against mold in the home (1 teaspoon to a cup of water used to clean the mold area), and has shown “rapid” direct anti-cancer effects in subcutaneous tumours in mice

The Dangerous Side Dish

Today we're going to show you a very common restaurant "side dish" that almost everyone eats a couple times a week, yet this side dish has been proven in a New Zealand study to CAUSE immediate heart attacks in some people!
This is a very serious topic and unfortunately, most people have no clue how risky this food is to eat. It's actually FAR more risky than cigarettes. You'll find out in the article below what that "side dish" is and exactly WHY it's so dangerous.
You'll also discover in the new article below why foods such as whole wheat bread, canola oil, soy milk, and even energy bars are KILLING you slowly...and causing diabetes, body fat, heart disease and even cancer.
This is an important article to pay close attention to, so do NOT skip this one...
You can still enjoy amazingly delicious and rich foods on a daily basis, but there are particular foods that you MUST stay away from at least 95% of the time, because they are simply THAT dangerous to your health.


Sunday, June 19, 2016


It's happening in small, private clinics...
And it's happening in the largest, most respected hospitals in the world...
A rising tide of doctors and health care providers are now urging their patients eat this "life-giving" sugar every single day.
They're not just recommending it to give a "slightly better alternative" to other sweeteners either. They're prescribing it to treat life-threatening diseases, heal chronic conditions, and keep people looking and feeling their very best.
If you guessed honey, then you're absolutely right. For we've all heard about how honey is a remarkable substance. We've heard about how it "doesn't go bad". Or about how archaeologists found unspoiled, 2000-year-old honey in an Egyptian tomb.

For example, honey was the most popular ancient Egyptian healing remedy (and was mentioned over 500 times in 900 remedies.)
Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) used honey as a treatment for pain, dehydration, and fever. And this isn't just some "folk remedy" discredited by modern science either. Researchers (in thousands of peer-reviewed papers) continue to uncover just how healing honey can be.

I still remember how one patient, Rachel, just stood there, staring at me with her mouth open.
"Hold on. Let me get this straight." she said. "Did I really just hear my doctor tell me to give my seven-year-old son honey?!?"
I nodded. "Just a spoonful before he goes to bed. The cough will clear up in no time."
Her son, Kevin, had just recovered from the flu. And while the fever and nausea had faded, his cough hadn't.
Overcome by a fit of coughing every five minutes, he couldn't sleep at night (which made him cranky and miserable all day.)
Rachel was at her wit's end. The sleepless nights left her exhausted. And she'd done everything she could think of to help her son... Lots of water... Cough syrup... Even antibiotics.
And here I was, a physician, prescribing something you'd normally drizzle over oatmeal or spread on toast.
Truth be told though, I could sympathize with her skepticism. For when I first heard about honey's life-giving properties...

Monday, May 2, 2016

The 7 Most Dangerous Prescription Drugs

A damning Harvard University report has advised that according to the European Commission, about 328,000 patients in the U.S. and Europe die from prescription drugs each year – making prescription drugs the 4th highest cause of death, on a par with stroke.

We could get into legal trouble if we advised you to go against the recommendations of your doctor; however we can advise you to be as informed as possible about the risks involved in taking prescription meds.

According to the World Health Organization, the pharmaceutical industry is worth 300 billion dollars annually – with an additional hundred million expected to add to the value in the next three years. A third of this entire multi-billion-dollar market is controlled by ten of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. According to CMR International, a partner of Thomas Reuters, global pharmaceutical sales reached one trillion dollars in 2014 and will be booming to 1.3 trillion by 2018.

It goes without saying that this is big business – but like every big business, there is a dark side as well. Can we really trust the research – seeing as the same companies selling the pills are funding many of the medical journals? And then we have the issue of doctors receiving kickbacks for prescribing certain drugs, after being “educated” on the benefits of the drugs by pharma salesmen.

Take a look at this list of seven of the most dangerous prescription drug types and see how they can hurt you.

#1: Sleeping Pills (OTC and prescribed)

The use of sleeping pills has been associated with an increased risk factor for stroke. A study published by Petrov, et. al. in 2014 revealed that over-the-counter and prescription sleeping pills increased a person’s risk for stroke, independently and beyond any of the other known risk factors like blood pressure, personal history of heart disease, and vices like smoking and drinking alcohol. Isn’t it worrying that compared to all other factors that place a person at risk for stroke, sleeping pills top that list?

#2: Cholesterol Drugs (Statins)

Did you know that deaths attributed to heart failure more than doubled from 1989 to 1997, while statins were first given pre-market approval in 1987? This is an alarming “coincidence” – to say the least. Interference with production of Co-Q10 by statin drugs has been proposed as the most likely explanation.

Drugs that are meant to control your cholesterol levels may also be damaging your liver. Hepatotoxicity is not completely absent among people who undergo statin therapy, but it is uncommon. However, several studies have discovered that statins cause severe liver damage, especially in in dosages higher than 50 milligrams per day – a scary thing to realize when statin dosages can climb up to 80 milligrams per day when a person has high or uncontrollable cholesterol levels. Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, and Pravastatin have all been linked to liver injury.

#3: Blood Pressure Drugs (Beta-blockers, Calcium channel blockers)

Among the different drugs prescribed to manage hypertension, calcium channel blockers have been found to be the most common ones linked to adverse drugs reactions (ADRs). The most common ones linked to CCBs are bipedal edema, chest pain, hypersensitivity, and difficulty of breathing. A recent study published in 2014 discovered that immediate-release CCB use was positively associated with an increased risk for breast cancer. On the other hand, beta-blockers have been associated with several adverse side effects, such as increased incidence of post-operative dysrhythmia, troponin elevation, and heart failure, risk for hepatic failure, and small-for-gestational age births.

#4: Alzheimer’s Drugs

While the positive effects of psychotropic drugs have been well-documented, there have also been studies revealed their adverse effects. A study conducted on the pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer’s disease found that antipsychotics increased a person’s risk for developing diabetes mellitus, heart disease, and stroke, and even overall mortality. The most popular drug prescribed for Alzheimer’s is Aricept or Donezepil and has been linked to nausea, diarrhea, malaise, dizziness, and insomnia.

#5: Arthritis Drugs (NSAIDs)

It is so easy to be prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for pain, and even easier to purchase one from the pharmacy. What most people fail to realize is that NSAIDs are one of the leading causes of drug-related morbidity, especially in elderly and immunocompromised people. They have been directly linked to gastrointestinal problems, destroying the inner lining of the stomach and increasing the risk for ulceration and internal bleeding. Renal effects have also been linked to NSAID use, causing fluid and sodium retention and hypertension (and eventual cardiovascular problems). In worse case scenarios, people with severe kidney problems might even require dialysis. This seemingly innocuous drug is one of if not the most dangerous ones on this list.

#6: Diabetes Drugs (Actos, Avanida, Byetta, Metformin)

Another class of drugs to watch out for are those prescribed to manage high blood sugar, a characteristic symptom of diabetes. Liver damage has been linked to metformin use. In a study focusing on different ADRs, metformin-induced hepatitis was seen in a case of a person taking 500 milligrams of Metformin three times a day and insulin glargine. Liver damage can manifest as jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and discoloration of the urine and stool. Further liver damage can cause uncontrollable bleeding and insufficient clearing of toxins from the blood.
#7: Chemotherapy (Tamoxifen)

The one category of drug on the list that is universally regarded as harmful to a person’s health is chemotherapeutic drugs. When people diagnosed with cancer are advised to undergo chemotherapy, they are prepped for the side effects they will undoubtedly experience along with it. Chemotherapeutic drugs are strong enough to kill rapidly proliferating cancer cells – however there is collateral damage: Healthy cells are also killed and it’s the oft-repeated hope with chemotherapy that it “kills the cancer and doesn’t kill you”. Weakness, hair loss, and appetite loss, are the mildest of these side effects, with more serious ones involving blood in the urine or stool, high-grade fever, severe pain over the chemotherapy infusion site, vomiting and diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.  Chemotherapy is known to kill a significant number of cancer patients.


If you are interested in alternatives, check out our Giant List Of Herbal Remedies For 50+ Conditions.

This article is not medical advice.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

20 Weird Uses And Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a fantastic spice that not only imparts a magnificent aroma to a wide variety of foods, but it also considered to have all kinds of fantastic healing benefits. Furthermore, as you will soon see, there are all kinds of ingenious alternative uses of cinnamon.
There is, however, a serious fly in the ointment as far as cinnamon is concerned – much of the cinnamon consumed in the world nowadays is not real cinnamon (aka Cinnamomum verum or Cinnamomum zeylanicum), it is cassia! This is a potential problem because cassia (also known as cassia cinnamon, Saigon cinnamon, Chinese cinnamon or Cinnamomum aromaticum) contains much higher levels of coumarins, substances that have strong anticoagulant properties and may also be harmful to the liver when consumed in quantity. It has been advised to go easy on cassia as it may not be good for your health.
If you are buying cinnamon powder, it is very difficult to tell the difference between the two – however if you are buying cinnamon sticks, it is easy to tell the difference when you know what you are looking at. Be prepared to be seeing a lot of cassia, though. You’ll be amazed how much of the so-called cinnamon around is actually Cassia.
Here is how to tell the difference:
1) True cinnamon is a paler tan brown color (see our pic), as opposed to the more reddish rust-brown of cassia.
2) True cinnamon has a thin, paper-textured bark that forms multiple thin layers when rolled up. Cassia bark is much thicker, forming only a few layers.
3) True cinnamon is way more fragile, and much more easily crumbled – with the ends often appearing more broken up. Cassia is much tougher and more difficult to grind.
4) True cinnamon has a delicate, sweeter aroma, whereas cassia is more pungent and full bodied.
5) True cinnamon is up to 10x more expensive and harder to obtain.
Another part of the problem is that during the harvesting and drying process, the thicker cassia is more prone to mold and so is typically treated more heavily with pesticides!
If you are using cinnamon, especially for its health benefits, it is very important to get the real stuff. And now, you are in the know! To see some pictures that illustrate this nicely, follow this link to a google images search result for “cinnamon vs cassia”.
This little point of safety out of the way, w can move on to today’s discovery: We found a great article listing 20 Weird Uses and Health Benefits of Cinnamon.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Liberty Land, Memphis TN,

Libertyland on East Parkway at Tiger Lane was declared a historical site by the Shelby County Historical Commission. Honoring the nation's Bicentennial, the Libertyland theme park opened near this spot on the Mid South Fair grounds on July 4th, 1976. History buffs reveled in Colonial Land, Frontier Land, and Turn of the Century Land, and children of all ages enjoyed live shows, games and the dozen plus "mild to wild" rides. The park's signature features were the Dentzel Grand Carousel and Zippin Pippin roller coaster, both over 50 years old at the time of opening and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Other popular features were the Revolution coaster and the Old Hickory flume ride, the children's playground on Tom Sawyer's Island, the dolphin show and the Memphis Liberty Bell. Libertyland was more than just a park. It provided first time jobs for hundreds of teens and pleasant memories for millions of visitors. It closed in 2005.


 Liberty Land Ticket Entrance
The Copy Of The Liberty Bell 

The Historical Merry Go Round from the Fairgrounds 

Bell Tavern with the Zippen Pippen in the backgroung

Fairgrounds Park Plans 1926

Source: Shelby County Archives

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reasons You Should Try An Epsom Salt Bath

Ease stress:  When we are under stress our body is drained of magnesium and increases our levels of adrenaline. While some short-term stress is actually helpful to our body, long-term exposure can lead to a number of harmful conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity, insomnia, blood sugar regulation problems etc. When Epsom salt is added to a warm bath, the body is ready re-supplied with magnesium. This helps with the production of serotonin, the mood-lifting chemical in the brain that promotes calmness and reduces anxiety. Bathing in Epsom salt at least three times a week will help reduce irritability as well.
Promote restful sleep: If you have a hard time sleeping, like millions of other people, an Epsom salt bath will help promote a restful night. Take a bath about 30 minutes before your bedtime and follow it up with a cup of chamomile tea to bring about relaxation. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your bath for added relaxation.
Relieve inflammation and pain:  An Epsom salt bath can help not only relieve muscle tension but also reduce inflammation that causes pain. It is a useful way to reduce the pain from migraine headaches as well.
Detoxify:  We are exposed to over 21,000 toxins on a regular basis including medications, herbicides, pesticides and PCB’s.Over 80% of our food have genetically modified ingredients and more than 80,000 metric tons of carcinogens are released into the air each year in North America alone.  
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average US citizen has residues from over 400 toxic compounds in their body.Epsom salt contains sulfates that flush toxins and heavy metals from the body. What is even more staggering is that there are 82,000 chemicals in use today in the United States but only one-quarter of them have ever been tested for toxicity.
As mentioned, the skin is a highly porous membrane and when Epsom salt is added to a warm bath,  salt and toxins are pulled out by a process known as reverse osmosis. This also strengthens the immune system as it doesn’t have the burden of all of the toxins.

More benefits from taking an Epsom salt bath include:

  1. Improved ability of the body to use insulin, reducing the chance of diabetes.
  2. Improved heart health – preventing hardening of the arteries and reducing blood pressure.
  3. Improved nerve function due to electrolyte regulation.
  4. Improved oxygen use.
  5. Better absorption of nutrients.

The best way to take an Epsom salt bath

Although you may like to have a bath in steaming hot water, a warm bath is best. Add two cups of Epsom salt (such as this Epsoak Epsom Salt) to your bath (standard size tub)  and soak for about fifteen minutes a few times a week for best results. If you tub is larger, use more salt.
If you don’t have time for a full bath, you can also make a shower paste. Simply add ¼ cup of organic olive oil and enough Epsom salt to make a paste. Use the scrub in the shower. Make a warm compress with Epsom salt to put on bruises or sore muscles.

More ways to use Epsom salt

  • Foot soak – 1 cup Epsom salt to hot water and soak feet for twenty minutes.
  • Hair mask –  Mix equal parts of your usual hair conditioner with epsom salt and leave on your hair for twenty minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  • Sunburn or itchy skin relief – Dissolve 1 tablespoon Epsom salt in ½ cup water and let cool. Pour in small spray bottle and use when needed. You can also use this same mixture on bug bites or stings. It will reduce redness and inflammation.
  • Remove splinters – Mix equal parts warm water and Epsom salt and soak for fifteen minutes to remove the splinter.
To explore more wonderful ways to use Epsom salt, read our popular article: 20 Mind-Blowing Reasons Why Epsom Salt Should Be In Every Home
If you want to look and feel your best, consider adding a bag or two of Epsom salt to your medicine cabinet.

Holistic Treatment And Essential Oils

A holistic approach is the best way to correct hormonal imbalances. The definition of the word holistic is: the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts.
Treating hormonal imbalances with pharmaceuticals often aggressively corrects one imbalance while creating complications in other parts of the endocrine system. Essential oils are the best solution for the holistic treatment of imbalances. According to a report by Maria Graça Miguel, faculty member at Portugal’s University of Algarve, essential oils have powerful anti-oxidant qualities that fight toxicity.
Essential oils are perfect, whether it’s for a situational or chronic issue. So much of what we are taking internally and inhaling are leading to what I refer to as estrogen pollution in our bodies. If we can embrace more natural, non-toxic, synthetic-free remedies, we lower our toxic threshold and the resulting hormonal imbalances that occur from breaching that threshold. — Marie Delcioppo, health coach and New York Times featured Raw Foods Chef.

Super Essential Oils

There’s a super-group of essential oils called adaptogens. These smart essential oils are unique because they have opposing healing properties like being both stimulating and relaxing — they adapt to your needs.
The use of adaptogen essential oils are pivotal for hormonal imbalances where glands may be under-functioning in one system, while over-functioning in another. Adaptogenic essential oils are capable of balancing opposing conditions without creating further imbalance, as many pharmaceuticals would cause. Using them together further strengthens their healing properties.

9 Adaptogen Essential Oils For Hormone Balance Are:

  1. Basil
  2. Lavender
  3. Anise
  4. Licorice
  5. Lemon
  6. Myrtle
  7. Clary sage
  8. Geranium
  9. Lemongrass
Here’s how to treat hormonal imbalances using these nine super essential oils:

Adrenal Balance with Basil, Lavender and Anise

Your adrenal glands are responsible for how you cope with stress. If you’re trying to juggle a job, family and the demands of everyday life, you are likely to have overworked adrenals.
Cortisol, the “stress hormone” is produced by the adrenal glands and regulates your body’s response to stress. It works on a schedule — good sleep, starting at 10 pm, maximizes adrenal hormone function. Out of balance cortisol levels lead to:
  • feeling exhausted upon waking even after a long night’s sleep
  • high energy late in the evening or waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning
  • an inability to calmly deal with stress
  • food cravings
  • brain fog
Basil essential oil increases the body’s natural response to both physical and emotional stress while conditioning you to cope better.
According to a study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, scientists examined the effects of daily basil extracts on stress symptoms in men and women over six weeks. 39% of patients showed a decrease in general stress symptoms, such as sleep problems, exhaustion, and forgetfulness.
Basil is indicated for those who are weary in mind and body and for those in need of strength and renewal. — Daniel MacDonald, author of Emotions & Essential Oils: Emotional Reference Guide
Basil essential oil soothes feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and exhaustion. Rub a couple of drops of high quality organic basil oil (such as this bottle from Mountain Rose Herbs) daily into your forearms or your ear’s adrenal gland point at the tragus (the cartilage above your ear lobe) to bring balance to your adrenals.
Life is demanding — the key to adrenal balance is to allow yourself more restorative relaxation time and sleep. Improve the quality of your sleep with lavender aromatherapy.
A study by the Department of Psychology of Wesleyan University, Connecticut found that the aromatherapeutic use of lavender increased the percentage of deep, restorative, slow-wave sleep in all men and women. Make an essential oil mist of lavender and water in a spray bottle and spray the mixture on your pillow before bedtime to enhance deep sleep. Add anise oil to the lavender mist to amplify the restful qualities of both oils.

Thyroid Dysfunction and Myrtle, Lemongrass and Licorice

According to the American Thyroid Association (ATA), 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid disease, while 60% of sufferers are not even aware of it. The thyroid controls important functions like the body’s metabolism and temperature regulation. Out of balance thyroid function symptoms include:
  • Depression
  • Uncontrollable weight gain or loss
  • Dry hair and skin
  • Cold or heat fluctuations
  • Insomnia
Myrtle oil is an adaptogen that can stimulate thyroid activity. Dr. Daniel Penoel, MDspecializes in myrtle oil research and discovered that the oil has the natural ability to balance and normalize hormonal imbalances of both the thyroid and ovaries, regardless of whether either are under or over performing.
Rub a few drops of organic myrtle oil into your foot’s big toe and the reflexology point for the thyroid located at the base of the foot in the fleshy area below the big toe. Another area where myrtle oil is effective is the thyroid area below the Adam’s apple, at the base of your throat.
Essential oils are able to penetrate skin membranes quickly. A study conducted by scientists at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Vienna, Germany found that the healing compounds of essential oils enter the bloodstream within five minutes of skin application.
Magnify the thyroid-healing effect of myrtle oil by blending it with lemongrass oil, another thyroid-boosting adaptogen, or alternate between each.
Licorice is a powerful antidepressant. To fight thyroid imbalance symptoms like fatigue and depression, rub a drop of licorice oil in your hands and rub together to warm. Inhale the warm scent for a mood boost.

Ovary Balance with Lemon, Clary Sage and Geranium

While menstruation and menopause are natural processes of womanhood, some of the side effects are not. The ovaries produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which when imbalanced, lead to several symptoms including:
  • PMS
  • infertility
  • difficult or irregular menstrual cycles
  • lowered libido
  • difficult menopausal symptoms like sweats and hot flashes
Start your day with a simple liver detox to keep hormonal imbalances from wreaking havoc. The liver regulates the sex hormones, primarily estrogen. Add 2 – 3 drops of lemon essential oil into a cup of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning.
A Dutch study has found that the compounds in lemon peels, a large component of lemon essential oil, improve liver functions like hormone regulation by lowering liver cholesterol.
Clary sage has been used since Medieval times to treat the list of symptoms above. It’s quite helpful in not only balancing hormones but for also relieving pain. Dilute a few drops in almond oil and rub the dilution into the ankles daily. If menstrual cramps are painful, rub the mixture on the stomach and ovary area for pain relief. Add the adaptogen oil geranium to the blend to enhance pain relief.
To soothe PMS and other feminine discomforts, add a few drops of clary sage and geranium to a warm bath and enjoy a soak.
Hormonal imbalances can be treated with essential oils safely and holistically. As with all new health regimes, consult with a trusted practitioner and start gradually. Using these nine essential oils is an enjoyable way to work toward hormonal balance and better body, mind and spirit awareness.

Need any of the essential oils mentioned in this article? Mountain Rose Herbs has a wonderful selection, all of which can be seen here.