Sunday, June 19, 2016


It's happening in small, private clinics...
And it's happening in the largest, most respected hospitals in the world...
A rising tide of doctors and health care providers are now urging their patients eat this "life-giving" sugar every single day.
They're not just recommending it to give a "slightly better alternative" to other sweeteners either. They're prescribing it to treat life-threatening diseases, heal chronic conditions, and keep people looking and feeling their very best.
If you guessed honey, then you're absolutely right. For we've all heard about how honey is a remarkable substance. We've heard about how it "doesn't go bad". Or about how archaeologists found unspoiled, 2000-year-old honey in an Egyptian tomb.

For example, honey was the most popular ancient Egyptian healing remedy (and was mentioned over 500 times in 900 remedies.)
Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) used honey as a treatment for pain, dehydration, and fever. And this isn't just some "folk remedy" discredited by modern science either. Researchers (in thousands of peer-reviewed papers) continue to uncover just how healing honey can be.

I still remember how one patient, Rachel, just stood there, staring at me with her mouth open.
"Hold on. Let me get this straight." she said. "Did I really just hear my doctor tell me to give my seven-year-old son honey?!?"
I nodded. "Just a spoonful before he goes to bed. The cough will clear up in no time."
Her son, Kevin, had just recovered from the flu. And while the fever and nausea had faded, his cough hadn't.
Overcome by a fit of coughing every five minutes, he couldn't sleep at night (which made him cranky and miserable all day.)
Rachel was at her wit's end. The sleepless nights left her exhausted. And she'd done everything she could think of to help her son... Lots of water... Cough syrup... Even antibiotics.
And here I was, a physician, prescribing something you'd normally drizzle over oatmeal or spread on toast.
Truth be told though, I could sympathize with her skepticism. For when I first heard about honey's life-giving properties...

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